I am having trouble sleeping.
Damien brought me back to the catacombs. He killed me, but only after I had pleaded. As soon as it was done, I felt whole again.
So I am with my family; Damien, Xan, and the others. I need them, and the truth is, they need me, too.
The knights are hysterical, of course. We have been turning humans right and left. Some come willingly; some simply catch our eye and we take them whether they like it or not. Once they are turned they thank us. Living humans cannot know the pleasure and joy in undeath.
So Lancelot has ruined any chance he had with me. Before we turned a mage and her slave, he tried to get me to stop it. He told me if we killed them, I would never see the babies again. And he would never sleep with me again, either.
I had not captured the females; it was not my decision to make. He said I had the power to stop it; he overestimates my influence amongst the others. Any show of human weakness - such as a need for his affection or to see my infants - and the Undead would turn on me.
They should turn on me in such a case, or I would lose all respect for them myself.
But I am formulating a plan. I must see my children; if trickery is required, that is what I shall resort to. I will not leave them under his power - he uses them to attempt to control the undead through their influence on me. I will not be the pawn of a knight.
We have a plan, and the knight will pay.
And in the end, I will have him in my bed again. My strength and skill with a sword do not match his; yet I have powerful weapons at my disposal. I managed to seduce the knight before, and to bear his young as well. I have a strong influence over him; I will get my way.
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